Source code for archABM.event_generator

import random

from simpy import Environment

from .database import Database
from .event_model import EventModel

[docs]class EventGenerator: """Generates events An event is defined by an activity :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel`, that happens at a given physical location :class:``, for a finite period of time, in minutes (duration). A event generator has certain event models to choose from, each one related to an activity. """ env: Environment db: Database models: list activities: list def __init__(self, env: Environment, db: Database): self.env = env self.db = db # generate new for allowed events self.models = [ for m in if m.params.allow] self.activities = [m.params.activity for m in self.models]
[docs] def generate(self, now: int, person): """Generates events First, it computes the probabilities and the validity of each :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel` at the current timestamp. Then, the activity is selected based on these probabilities as follows: * If there exists any probability among the list of :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel`, the activity is selected randomly according to the relative probabilities. * If all :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel` have ``0`` probability, then the activity is selected randomly among the valid ones. * Otherwise a random activity is returned. Once the activity type :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel` has been selected, the event duration can computed and the physical location :class:``` can also be chosen. The selected activity is counted (consumed) from the list of :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel` of the invoking person. .. note:: Collective activities are consumed individually after the current event interruption. Args: now (int): current timestamp in minutes person (Person): person that invokes the event generation Returns: Event: generated :class:`~archABM.event.Event`, which is a set of a) activity :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel`, b) physical location :class:``` and c) time duration. """ # Get probabilities for each model event p = [m.probability(now) for m in self.models] v = [m.valid() for m in self.models] # Select event model if sum(p) > 0: model = random.choices(self.models, weights=p)[0] elif sum(v) > 0: model = random.choices(self.models, weights=v)[0] else: model = random.choice(self.models) # Create event based on selected model activity = model.params.activity duration = model.duration(now) # duration += 0.001 place = self.db.actions.find_place(model, person) if place is None: return None if model.params.collective: return self.db.actions.create_collective_event(model, place, duration, person) else: model.consume() return self.db.actions.create_event(model, place, duration)
[docs] def consume_activity(self, model: EventModel): """Consumes a unit from a given :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel`. Args: model (EventModel): event model to consume from """ for m in self.models: if m.params.activity == model.params.activity: m.consume()
[docs] def valid_activity(self, model: EventModel): """Checks whether a given :class:`~archABM.event_model.EventModel` is valid. Args: model (EventModel): event model to check validity from Returns: [bool]: whether the event model is valid """ for m in self.models: if m.params.activity == model.params.activity: return m.valid()