[docs]class Snapshot:
"""Stores the state of an agent at a given time
header: list
store: dict
def __init__(self, header) -> None:
self.header = header
self.store = {}
[docs] def reset(self) -> None:
"""Initializes dictionary :attr:`store` with :attr:`header` as keys."""
self.store = dict.fromkeys(self.header, "")
[docs] def get_data(self, sep=",") -> str:
"""Takes all items in :attr:`store` and joins them into one string.
A string must be specified as the separator, by default ","
sep (str, optional): separator. Defaults to ",".
str: a string created by joining the elements of :attr:`store` by string separator
return sep.join(map(str, self.store.values())) + "\n"
[docs] def set(self, key: str, value, digits: int = 2) -> None:
"""Add a key:value pair to the :attr:`store` dictionary
* If :attr:`value` is :obj:`bool`, it is casted to :obj:`int`.
* If :attr:`value` is :obj:`list`, the elements are joined into one :obj:`str`, separated by ";".
* If :attr:`value` is :obj:`float`, it is rounded to the specified number :attr:`digits`.
* If :attr:`digits` is :const:`0`, :attr:`value` is casted to :obj:`int`.
key (str): item key
value (Union[bool, int, float, list]): item value
digits (int, optional): number of digits to store. Defaults to 2.
BaseException: raises if the specified :attr:`key` is not a key in :attr:`store`
if key in self.header:
typ = type(value)
if typ == bool:
value = int(value)
elif typ == int:
elif typ == float:
if digits == 0:
value = int(value)
value = round(value, digits)
elif typ == list:
value = ";".join(map(str, value))
self.store[key] = value
raise BaseException